Chilespouses, 9 years and going strong

Cathy Casanga, founder of Chilespouses

Cathy Casanga, founder of Chilespouses

I’m not the only expat blogger who has talked about the challenges of living so far from home, but I do have to say that many of us in Chile have a very special advantage. Nine years ago today Cathy Casanga, formerly of Seattle, founded a group that has become a lifeline for so many of us here.

Back in August of 2000, I got a call from Cathy asking if I would join a Yahoo Group she was setting up called “Chilespouses.” The idea was to have a space for native English-speaking women with Chilean husbands and a commitment to living in Chile to be in touch and share information. “I called the 6 people I knew at the time,” she says. Never did she ever dream what she was getting herself into. We now number more than 500!

The definition of the members has changed somewhat over the years: “native-English speaking” has become “English speaking but not necessarily as a first language” (we now have a number of members from other, mostly European, countries). And not all are married—the “husband” requirement has turned to “partner” and even “ex.”

What has remained solid, however, is the fact that we are all women (men have tried to join but we remain firm and feminine—ahem, let me rephrase that (some of us are not as “firm” as we used to be)—we are women only, we all have or have had Chilean partners (which creates a specific bonding point as we try to negotiate the rules of belonging to a Chilean family), and we are all foreigners with a long(ish)-term commitment to living and belonging in this country and culture. This is no place for tourists.

Chilespouse and jazz singer member Danielle Gilson performs at the dinner

Chilespouse and jazz singer member Danielle Gilson performs at the annual dinner

Other than that we are a widely diverse group. Some have been here “forever” (Barbee, congrats on 42 years!), and others are just off the boat (I know, nobody comes on a boat anymore, but “just off the plane” really misses that proverbial boat when it comes to making my point). We are of all ages and from all walks of life; we hail from many different places and embrace a variety of religious and political beliefs. Some are just starting their families, and others are seeing their grandchildren off to college. We are doctors and lawyers and nurses and writers and teachers and business women and secretaries and translators and historians and scientists and anthropologists and singers and comedians and journalists and  managers and engineers and computer whizzes and wine geeks and cooks and masseuses and moms and so much more, and when it comes right down to it, frankly, we’re one amazingly creative and  interesting bunch of women.


Chilespouse and comedian Eileen Shea shares her uniquely hysterical outlook on this funny world we live in

The Yahoo group allows us to ask for advice and share tips and opinions, spread information and warnings (and way too many virus hoaxes along with the occasional belly laugh). Every “where can I find…” or “how do I…” or “why does my mother-in-law…” or “Please help…” or “Be careful about…” gets an answer (often many), and the accumulated information we share is truly impressive. Looking for a job? A handyman? A maid? A lawyer? A doctor? A car? (selling a car?) A place to get married? You need to know something about skiing? Hiking? Traveling? Working? Buying? Selling? Looking for corn syrup, cranberries, or the perfect apple pie recipe? Need a good laugh? A shoulder to lean on? You’ve come to the right place.

We support each other in many ways, and the tips and advice that our Chilean friends get from their mothers and sisters and best friends from school get passed among the gringas through Chilespouses. Sub-groups form: “Who wants to start a play group for 3-year-olds?” “Lamaze, anyone?” “Up for a Thai cooking class?” “Menopause workshop?” “Happy hour on Monday?” “Chilespouses from Viña & Valpo” “Want a Japi Jane party?” (Yes, Jane is one of ours) and more.

Chilespouses is so many things to so many women, and through it all, we have one woman in particular to thank. Our founder, our friend, our lifeline… who is surely blushing and blustering as she reads this because it is most certainly her way…

She has done an enormous amount of work and an incredible job of keeping this group together for 9 years. “This is not about me,” she says over and over again. We know that Cathy… but it very much is because of you… This is just my way of saying Thank You Cathy, for being my friend, for being our friend, and for being the Queen of the ‘Spouses. (Do you still have the tiara and the magic wand we gave you after 5 years?)

150 gringas pack Zanzibar for the 9th annual Chilespouses dinner

150 gringas packed Zanzibar for the 9th annual Chilespouses dinner

Last night 150 gringas turned out for our annual dinner. We invaded Zanzibar in Borderío (owned in part by a Chilespouse, by the way—Thank you Linda and daughter Susie).

Thanks too, to the wonderful performers who entertained us last night. Chilespouse members all, comedian Eileen Shea, and singers Stefanie Block, Mia Praught Ossa, and Danielle Gilson.

And if you didn’t quite get all of Eileen’s story about they guy from work who’s wife had a baby, check out the latest version at:  Chilean Spanglish Spoken Here: A Rooster from the Glue.

Chilespouse singers Mia Ossa (left) and Stefanie Block (right)

Chilespouse singers Mia Praught Ossa (left) and Stefanie Block (right)

114 responses to “Chilespouses, 9 years and going strong

  1. oh man, I am really sad I missed it this year!!!

  2. Peg, thanks so much for this piece, I was wondering whether you´d write up something in your blog…. Most importantly you´ve highlighted the aptitudes of this wonderful group magically.
    I´d like to mention one of the first things that caught my eye when I first entered Chilespouses.. the word “dato” a word that´s second-nature to all, no translation needed, if you´re a Chilespouse you KNOW what “dato” means, I immediately loved the fact a very Chilean word was used so extensively and spontaneously… Linguistically speaking I find it not only hillarious but also distinctive of a group that´s settled and confortable in a nice, welcoming country..

  3. Kyle- We missed you too! One of these days I hope to meet you in person!
    Andrea- yes, we all speak some form of Spanglish quite fluently– not only do we all know the word “Dato” but “Trámite” as well!

  4. Great article, I think you hit the nail on the head describing our group! It is really amazing when you think about the mix of women we are, how many years ago the group began and all the help we lend to one another, often times without ever knowing what the other person even looks like! I think that is just amazing. I had wanted to take pictures on Monday too and then I forgot my camera at home…boo! But I’m sure glad you got some 🙂


  5. Thanks Tyffanie… I think we are truly privileged. I don’t know if such a group exists for any other expat community in the world!
    About the camera- I got tired of missing shots, so I now carry a small camera in my purse at all times!

  6. The article was great. Maybe too great – now many more women are going to want to join and we’ll be swamped with people looking for ophalmologists for their cats!

  7. uh-oh! The secret’s out now!

  8. I continue to be so glad I found your site. Knowing that a group like this exists makes me happy. I hope you will still have room for a new member in a year or two.

  9. We can add the word “Gallo” to the list now too.
    Please publish the Spanglish text Eileen used so we can really appreciate it more.
    Rock On CS

  10. Annje-We’ll welcome you with bells on!

  11. Helen- I will! Everyone else: Eileen read a wonderful “bad translation” of Chilean Spanish that was so hysterical I asked her if I could publish it. I’ll post it separately very soon!

  12. I really hate that I missed the dinner!!! Hopefully I won’t have to miss the next one… but pregnant after 13 years of marriage needs to be taken cared of!!!!

  13. Congratulations Allison! If you need any baby advice… you know where to turn to find 500+ women ready to help you out!

  14. hello ladies:

    i am the “spouse” of jennifer tsang — and i gave away some gift certificates to my new shop – TPURO, on vitacura between Américo Vespucio & Alonso de Córdova.

    Would appreciate any/all comments on service, food quality, etc. should you stop by the store and of course, if I am here, feliz to meet you.

    all the best,

  15. Hi Francisco- Thanks for your contribution to the other night! And I really should have mentioned all the wonderful door prizes (30, I believe) that so many spouses and spouses of spouses donated- we’re not only very fortunate, we’re also very connected!

  16. i am an ex-pat with a pololo and i never tried to get into the group because i thought it was exclusively wives. it sounds like i fit into the category though which makes me happy because i know it is so great! soooo how do i join?

  17. Very nice wards for this realy nice and usefull group. I am very happy to be in this group. Love to all of you!

  18. This day just sort of feels like one giant group hug, doesn’t it?

  19. I’ve always heard about Chilespouses but I figured that you must, you know, have a Chilean spouse. I don’t have one of those, but I am in a relationship with one… does that count?

  20. Someone once said that you have to have a suegra… in other words, be in a relationship committed enough that you see her as being a long-term part of your life!

  21. I guess I should add that we’re just using a more liberal definition of spouse… as in no one’s going to ask for your libreta de matrimonio, but the idea is that the relationship is the “forever” type.

  22. Of course I agree wholeheartedly with all these comments …So I thought I’d ask if we would ever consider taking a walk on the wild side and having Chilespouse event with our spouses, significant other, second and thrid husbands etc etc. It might be a completely different experience but I am certain it would be a hoot! I can just hear Eileen’s asado routine…

  23. Hi Maribel–it seems to me that that has actually been proposed and maybe even took place at some point! I don’t think anyone would have a problem with that at all as long as it doesn’t replace our own women-only gatherings!

  24. What a great article. I also had a terrific time and am glad everyone was so pleased with our restaurant. We hope to see you soon in Zanzibar or Lamu Lounge.

  25. Thank you Linda- the place is great. I had the Thai chicken and it was wonderful. And I had every intention of skipping dessert but just couldn’t!
    I didn’t get to see what the vegetarian option was… can anyone comment on that dish?

  26. Oh my! I am so sad I missed it— I would have loved to meet all the women who are a part of this! I can’t believe that I only found child spouse during my final months in Chile. Off and on since 1996 and I find this now! Oh well… we shall (most likely) be back and I still enjoy the daily onslaught of emails.

  27. Hi Clare- I really enjoy your blog! Sorry you missed us last time around… but we’ll still be here when you get back!

  28. Pingback: Chilean Spanglish Spoken Here: A Rooster from the Glue « Cachando Chile: Reflections on Chilean Culture

  29. My daughter has been involved with Chilianspouses for several years now. It is difficult for us Mom’s at home to have our daughters so far away. We know that we are not “there” to answer questions and share information as we would like. I am so grateful to this group for the comfort and support that she gets from her friends that are also living away from their families. I am vicariously enjoying the activities, ideas and parties that my daughter attends with you. I feel like you are part of my extended family, also. Thank you.

  30. Wow! How nice to see it from the other way around! I never thought of it that way! Thanks for shedding light on the family back home side!

  31. Horrah! Fantastically said Margaret. It’s ashame we didn’t have the opportunity to meet on Monday night – but as you quite rightly say, there is always something in the works….so to the next meeting!
    Cheers to your excellently written article about us lovely ladies!
    Much love to all,
    Saira x

  32. Thanks Saira! See you next time then!

  33. I have been living in Chile for over 5 years and only heard of this group yesterday!!! I am english and live here with my chilean and have lots of questions for your members, the most important being if anyone knows of a good doctor who can help with a frozen shoulder preferably in or around Providencia and works with Fonasa!? Also how can I join the group to be able to post my other questions!!??
    Many thanks

  34. Hi Sara- Yes, that’s certainly the kind of info that gets passed around on Chilespouses! I will contact you personally with contact info about the group.

  35. Hi – I left this message at Cachando Chile but then read the article that was right on the home page ( Duh!) about Chile Spouses. I guess I would still like to know a bit more about how one joins or what the activities are, etc. It looks like I have been in Chile all the time Chile Spouses has existed – but I’m not in Santiago ( I’m out here on the litoral central) so that may add to the reason. Anyway, thanks for all the good vibes that can be picked up just by reading the postings!

  36. Pingback: Gringas die laughing « Cachando Chile: Reflections on Chilean Culture

  37. Hi, I heard about Chilespouses a few weeks ago unfortunately after the stresses of becoming a new mum! I’d be interested to know more about the group, what you do, how to join etc. It would be great if somebody could send me some information, cheers

  38. Hi Sophie… yet another gringa in our midst. I think Chilean are always amazed at how many of us there are here! I sent you some information on the group directly.

  39. Hi, how do you join Chilespouses? I’m married to Chilean, live in Vina and don’t speak much English!!

  40. Hi Janine- There are actually quite a few Chilespouses in the Valparaiso-Viña area! I’ll contact you with the details.

  41. Hey everyone! I’m soon to be married to a Chilean and will be joining the Chilean community in June 2010. I’ve lived in Chile twice before and have never heard of this group or had much contact with foreigners! I would love to join! It’s great to have some moral support from people in the same situation! How can I get in touch?! Regards to all!


  42. Hi Lucie- Congratulations on your upcoming ¡boda! Write to me when you get here (you can use the “contact” address) and I’ll put you in touch with the group coordinator. See you in June!

  43. Hey Margaret, thanks a lot! I really appreciate it! Talk to you in June!

  44. Hi everyone. I moved here 4 months ago from the states with my Chilean hubby. Curious about how one gets involved. Would love more info. Thanks.


  45. Hi TaraLee- Welcome to Chile! (Chilean men seem to be gringa magnets because there sure are a lot of us here)! I’ll get you that info.

  46. I’m hoping that I might qualify on the basis of a “forever” relationship with Chile – I was here form the states for a year 14 years ago, 7 years ago, and just arrived for another sabbatical year. I speak decent Spanish and feel more as if I am coming to a summer home than to a foreign country. Just now I’m looking for a reading group – preferably in Spanish para mejorar mi castellano.

  47. Hi! I know there are some English language book clubs around, and there must be plenty in Spanish… you could try checking with a library or good book store–they will probably know who’s doing what. If you are in Santiago, there’s a good library in Providencia–in the park (forestal) between Providencia and Costanera and close to the Salvador Metro Station. As far as book stores go, you could check with any of the “Qué Leo”s or other bookstores around el Drug Store (also in Providencia) or the Bellas Artes sector downtown.
    Good luck and welcome back to Chile!

  48. Hi, I am Ukrainian born, live in Chile already 12 years, work in ALMA project, mum of one 4 years old and married to a Chilean guy for ages!
    I’d like to join you, especially because some of my friend are members already, and my suegra is still alive!

    Please, let me know how I can subscribe,

    Saludos y cariños a todas!

    Alina Prus

  49. Hi Alina- Thanks for writing! I’ll pass your information along to Cathy Casanga, who heads up the group.

  50. Hey Margaret, I know this is an old post, but I can’t find much info on how to join Chilespouses online. Can you help me out?

    Mil Gracias!

  51. Margaret,
    I also would like to know how to join- I love Chile, and have lived here off and on for a few years– now we are back for good, and I would LOVE to find people that speak real English!

  52. Hi ladies,

    Having just read all about Chilespouses, I would love to know how to join, please?! I am British and have lived in Vina for nearly two years with my Chilean husband (we just got married in December)… it would be sooo great to chat with some fellow real ‘gringas’. Could anyone let me know how and if I could join?? Cheers!

  53. Hi Sara, Keri, and Clare!
    I will pass your info on to Cathy Casanga, who is in charge of the group. I know she’s been a bit overwhelmed lately–and probably much more so now with the article that appeared in Las Ultimas Noticias today, so please be patient if it takes her a little while to get back to you!
    Look forward to meeting you all!

  54. Hi, I’m Megan- an American from Pittsburgh- and I am married to a Chilean and we live in Vina. I have been hearing so much about Chilespouses, but have yet to meet a member! I would love to connect with some other English speaking women. I’ve been here for 8 months, but don’t know many other gringas. Can you let me know if its possible for me to join this fantastic group?
    Hoping to meet a illusive Chilespouse soon!!

  55. Hi Megan-
    Welcome to Chile! There are actually quite a few members in the Viña area! I’ll pass your info on to Cathy Casanga, who heads the group and hope to see you at one of our meetings!

  56. Hi there, this looks like a fantastic group. Im based in Vina del mar and travel into Santiago once per week for business. Let me know how I can join up and meet you girls

  57. Hi Karen- There are quite a few members in Viña too! I’ll pass your information along to Cathy Casanga, who heads the group. I’m not sure if she’s got her internet back yet after the quake, but she’ll be in touch sometime soon!

  58. great thanks ! i have nt heard anything yet

  59. Hi, I am a New Zealander, married to a Chilean with one Chilean-Kiwi kid and another on the way. I would love to have the opportunity to join a group like this. Can you please let me know how I can join? I live in Santiago.

  60. Hi Rhianon-
    Do you live in Chile? That’s important… But I’ll pass your info along to Cathy C, who is the group administrator.
    All the best and would love to meet you in Chile sometime!

  61. Hi Margaret, Yes I live in Las Condes, Santiago and have been for over 4 years.

  62. Great! I’ve already passed your datos on to Cathy, so you should be hearing from her within a couple days or so!

  63. Nice to see that some people get a response. I´ve been applying to joing this site for almost 2 years, to not avail. Now I receive this email, apparently, by mistake, of another person inquiring to join the group. I am still interested though, I would appreciate if you can also pass my info to cathy C. Thanks
    Soledad hamilton

  64. Hi Soledad- Sorry if you haven’t heard back from Cathy–she manages this group of over 500 women on a strictly voluntary basis after working full time and attending to all the obligations that life brings us (as we all do)… it is certainly possible that some of her emails slip through the cracks. But I pass along every request that turns up here.
    Because there are already so many people in the group, she has periodically closed new requests and/or has asked that new members come through personal recommendations of current members. As you can imagine, moderating a group that big takes a lot of time and effort and can become absolutely overwhelming!
    The basic idea is that we are all native (or near native) English-speaking foreign women in committed relationships with a Chilean and with plans for long-term residence in Chile.
    I will forward your mail to her again and hope you hear back from her soon.
    By the way, I took a look at your site and your cakes are incredible!! I haven’t seen anything like this in Chile ever! Congratulations!!

  65. Perfectly understandable. As I am one of those women who have to balance between being a mother, housewife, and entrepreneur, all at the same time. Not an easy task, but challenging, enjoyable, and rewarding.
    I wanted to thank you for your comment on my work. You said :_ “haven´t seen anything like this in Chile ever!” _certainly, that´s been my motivation all along, to provide quality and uniqueness.
    Thanks again

  66. Yes, we all try hard to keep our personal juggling acts going!
    And no thanks needed–I was very impressed by what you’re doing! Hope the word is getting out and business is booming!

  67. Hi there,

    I’m “fresh off the boat” and at the airport, waiting in line at the immigration counter, a lady told me about your group. My husband is Chilean, we’ve just moved to Las Condes, Santiago with our son. We’re both working professionals in Chile. I’m French Canadian but have been living in the United States for 6 years. If you can help me get in touch with the group, that would be great.

    Thank you very much.

  68. Hi Jeane-
    Wow! That’s some pretty fast networking! Must be a record! At this rate you’ll be running the town in no time!
    I’ll pass your email along to Cathy… hope to see you around!

  69. Hi Margaret, I’m another Kiwi living here in Chile with my Chilean Partner (not married, but I definitely have a Suegra). Wondering if you could pass my details along too. I live in Antofagasta. Thanks

  70. Dear Mrs Casanga, can you please contact me as a matter of urgency regarding a legal matter involving Chilespouses and/or members . I thank you. you can email me or call me directly on 9-992 9508 many thanks

  71. Hi Gardner- Cathy has no direct relationship with Cachando Chile, but I can pass along your message.

  72. many thanks I need to speak with whoever is the legal named entity for ChileSpouses…thanks for you asstance, very kind

  73. Hi Margaret!
    I’m really interested in joining Chilespouses. I’ve been in the Valpo/Vina area for the past 4 1/2 years, after meeting my current husband in 2005. I could really use the support Chilespouses seems to provide.
    Could you send my info on to Cathy? Thanks!

  74. Hi Kimberlyn-
    Sure, I’ll pass your info along to Cathy. You know there are quite a few Chilespouses in that area. Do you know Lydia from “Just Smile & Nod”? ( She’s in Valpo. Check out her blog. Good luck and hope to see you around Chilespouses sometime!

  75. Hello! finally i found this, i was looking for the way to join chileanspouses. i am chinese, married with a chilean, and i live in santiago more than 2 years. could you tell me the way to join you guys?
    thanks very much! i actually do not have blogs
    anything you need, please send emails to me.

  76. Hi! I will pass your information on to Cathy Casanga, the founfer/administrator of the group. Hope to see you around!

  77. thanks very much!looking forward

  78. Hi, I have heart about Chilespouses before without paying too much attention to it, but now after reading all the posts, I really don’t know why…

    I (3/4 German and 1/3 Chilean) married my chico latino a month ago, after 11 years of pololeo 🙂 Happy times!

    How can I join the group?

    Many thanks. Cariños,

  79. 11 years of pololeo! Wow! Congrats on your marriage and, as I’ve mentioned to others above, I’ll pass your request on to Cathy! Hope to see you around!

  80. Hello,
    I just wanted to give you all a”dato” of a coffee and flower shop where you can get a nice piece of pumpkin or blueberry pie here in Santiago.
    Address: Mosqueto 434.

  81. Yes! A nice place in a great neighborhood!

  82. Hey Margaret,

    Can you pass along my info to Cathy as well? I have live here a year now and would love to meet other wives.


  83. Hi Susan- Sure! will do!

  84. Hi, My name is Sharne I moved to Chile Nov 2010 with my husband. We are building a house in Quintay, about 45 mins. from Valparaiso. I heard about your group from a friend and I am really intersted in joining you. Can you let me know how?

  85. Hi Sharne. Is you r husband Chilean? That’s a key piece of the members–it’s pretty much what unifies us. I’ll contact you directly via email. Saludos!

  86. Dear all, can someone join if they have a latino husband even if he is not Chilean?? Am a newly arrived young mum who has moved here permanently 5 months ago and would like to find out more about the group and join if possible. Would you take this slight exception? Thanks for considering! Hugs and saludos, Ana

  87. Hi Ana- Hm! I don’t know if this question has come up before. I just need to repeat that Cachando Chile is completely independent of ChileSpouses–I just happen to be a member of that group, but I’ll pass your question on to Cathy Casanga, who founded and manages the group. All the best to you here in Chile!

  88. Hi,
    My name’s Zoe and I am married to a Chilean. We are moving permanently to Santiago in September and I’d really like to join ChileSpouses. Can you tell me how I can get in touch?
    Many thanks!

  89. Hi,
    My name is Susana and I will love to join group
    My husband and I came from the States in Dec 2010 and will be in chile for at least couple of years.
    How could I sign for it?


  90. Hi Susana-I’ll pass your info along!

  91. Sorry my question was to sign up for chilespouses if possible!

  92. Hello,
    I would love to sign up for chilespouses as well. Could you please tell me how to do this? I just found out about this group on the expat website. Thanks

  93. olivia chrzanowski

    I have lived in Vina del Mar for 2 years. After being back in the states with my chilean pololo, we are moving back to Chile (Santiago this time) with our beautiful half chilean/half polish baby girl! I would love to join the group! Can you let me know how to join? I cant wait to meet you all!!



  94. Hi Margaret,
    could you also pass my request on to Cathy pleae? I am German and married to a Chilean and we have a little daughter of 9 months! We just moved to Chile 4 months ago and I would like to join your group! Even though I know Chile very well you never can get enough infos ;o)
    Thanks a lot

  95. Hi Yasmin- Sure thing! And welcome to Chile!

  96. I arrived in Santiago a couple of months ago and just recently found this group. I am from the U.S. and am engaged to a Chilean. I was hoping to join Chilespouses….how do I join?

    Thanks for your help!

  97. Hi Natalie- Welcome to Chile! I’ll pass your info along to Cathy. She’ll contact you within a week or so.

  98. I believe you need to speak with Cathy and she will hook you up

  99. Hi Girls, I´m from Argentina, and living in Chile since 2010. My daughter got married with a Chilean several years ago and then I followed !
    Because of my job in Buenos Aires, I´ve been always in contact with ADEA (Ambassadors spouses in Arg.) and have great friends from those days. Now in Santiago I´m selling AMWAY, you all may have surely heard about these fabulous cleaning, beauty, health products.
    Amway, a pioneer and leader in the direct selling industry, offers entrepreneurs around the world an exceptional business opportunity and consumers everywhere exclusive products. Amway’s innovative and high-quality nutrition, wellness, beauty, and home products are available through distributors in more than 80 countries and territories.
    Do you consider it possible to meet the members of Chilean Spouses, and have the chance to offer the products and business opportunity ?
    Awaiting your news, many thanks in advance and kind regards,
    Inés Acevedo
    Empresaria Amway N° 4003057579
    Tel. +56 2 3345340
    Cel. +56 9 77067425

  100. Hi Inés- Just a reminder that Cachando Chile is not directly related to Chilespouses, although I am a member… I’ll leave it to the public to contact you if they are interested in your products.

  101. Hi Margaret, many thanks in advance !
    Cheers !!! Inés

  102. Van Assche Marianne

    I am Belgian and my partner is Chilean. I would like to join Chilespouses.

  103. Hi
    I’m a South African living in Chile for the past 4.5 years. Please can you contact me re joining.
    Thank you

  104. Hey there, Stacey here. An Aussie girl who quit her job and sold everything, now living with my Chilean boyfriend. How on earth do I connect with you wonderful women? x

  105. though i am in this group, i dont know where to contact or there is any activity?website?facebook…ect?

  106. Hi all, I´ve heard so much about Chilespouses and would love to join! I´m pretty sure I fulfill the requirements — been married to my wonderful Chilean husband for the past 9 years and living in here in Santiago for 7. I love it here, but every once in a while I get a little lonely for some english conversation with women my age (be nice to give my husband and son a break from my chatter too!). If someone reads this who is a member, I would appreciate a response! Felices fiestas a todas!!
    Ashlea =)

  107. Hi Ashlea- yep! you sure fit the characteristics of a Chilespouse! I’ll pass your information along… it might take a while with the holidays coming up and all, so please be patient–and hope to see you around sometime!

  108. Thanks, Margaret! Didn´t expect a reply so quickly — totally understand about the holidays, I will be busy myself showing my Mom around the South of Chile! Take care and hope to see you around too!

  109. Hi All-
    I just got married to a Chilean last week in Quilpue. I have heard about Chilespouses and now that I am one, I would like to join. I just arrived here in September and haven’t been homesick yet. But when I found out the Giants are up two in the World Series it kind of got me, though…
    Please pass my information on so I can get connected with the group.
    Mil gracias!

  110. Hola Chilespouses and Margaret! I too am a Newlywed Chilespouse (well, we’ve been married for 2.5 years but living in the States until next month when we make the move to Chile). We are going back to Santiago, and I would love to make some connections through Chilespouses if possible.

    I have so many questions – int’l moving companies, insurance, taxes, doctors, where to find decent Mexican food? I would love to be added to the listserv if possible.

    Thanks a million, can’t wait to explore!

  111. Hi Margaret! I am a gringa fresh off the boat (plane) from California, that after 1 and 1/2 years of long distance pololeo left my job, liquidated to a few suitcases, and moved to Quillota to live with my Chileno. I am received by a wonderful Chilean family, suegra included, and had the stir- crazy luck to sit next to one of your group members on the flight here. If there are openings in the Chile Spouses group and my situation meets membership criteria, I would be grateful if you would forward my contact information to Cathy. Many thanks, Julie

  112. I understand this group is only for wives of chileans… so is there a similar group for husbands of Chileans?

    Simon T, Concepción

  113. Not that I’m aware of, although there are a number of groups open to any expat in Chile that you can find by googling. There are also related groups on Facebook. Good luck!

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