Word Press: I’m In and Taking the Post-A-Week 2011 Pledge!

Word press Typewriter

Post-a-Day Typewriter respectfully borrowed from The Daily Post (WordPress.com)

I’m going for it!
I’m accepting WordPress.com’s challenge and taking the “Post a Week” Pledge!

WordPress came up with a plan to help bloggers get off their duffs and post more often. Sounds like they’ve been talking to the folks over at Nike, to tell the truth, because it’s as simple as JUST DO IT! Decide it, Say it, Pledge it, Get in the Habit, and DO it! Write either a Post-A-Day or a Post-a-Week.

I’m biting! Jumping in the deep end, gung-ho, bound-and-determined, and raring to go! And since I’m all about setting realistic goals this year, I’m opting for the Post A Week 2011 route, although I’m definitely shooting for more… like 3 a week.

I’ve got a backlog of post ideas waiting to be written up, and will definitely post more pictures this year, but I’d love to hear from you. What are your favorite Cachando Chile topics and what aspects of Chilean culture would you like to hear (or see) more about this year?

PS: this doesn’t count as my first post!

Want to know more about the WordPress.com PostADay2011 and PostAWeek2011 challenge? Check out the Challenge Intro and The Daily Post.

26 responses to “Word Press: I’m In and Taking the Post-A-Week 2011 Pledge!

  1. Good for you Margaret! I am also revamping and having a complete redesign of my blog. My goal is 5 a week. There is one caveat though. Two will be original posts and 3 will be made up of “Shared content”.
    It’s a lot of work and when done correctly it pays handsomely.

  2. Pingback: I’m posting once a week in 2011!

  3. Pressed the “post” button too quickly. As far as topics, my favourites are those that contain a pinch of controversy and good helping of fun and wit.

  4. Hi John- Wow! You’re ambitious! Good luck on that! I’m just shooting to bump it up while being realistic. Thinking I should really do the same with Tasting Chile too!
    And Kate- thanks for the link… and the company! We Can Do It!!

  5. Thanks John–you know that’s what I like best anyway!

  6. Hi Margaret,
    Thats great! I enjoy reading your blog. You really inspired me when I first started my own blog.
    Bom Ano Novo!
    Piglet 🙂

  7. Hi there Piglet (sorry, but it just sounds so strange to call you that!) BTW, did you know that the Chilean Spanish version (chanchito) is a term of endearment?
    Thanks for the kind words… I really enjoy your blog too (sorry about your beach bag!)
    And, if I’m not mistaken, I actually first heard about the WordPress Post A Day (or Week) thing from you! Didn’t you send Tweet about it?
    and now to keep our respective promises!

  8. Hi Margaret,
    So “chanchito” is Piglet in Spanish? Sounds more endearing than Piglet LOL
    Twitter – Yes, thats right. Someone was tweeting about creating a stash of 20 posts in draft! I am aiming for a couple per week. But have some more complex topics to cover shortly which will need quite a lot of research 😦 So maybe one or two posts in draft may not be such a bad idea!
    All the best

  9. In standard Spanish pig is cerdo, but for some reason in Chile it is chancho (for both pig and pork), so the diminutive is chanchito…sometimes even “chanchi.” Here’s a topic for your blog: how/why you use “Piglet” and are you the same or related to Piglet in France? But that’s for YOUR blog because I’m sure I’m not the only reader who would like to know!
    And yes, I almost choked when someone talked about having those 20 stash posts… maybe for a photo blog!

  10. Margaret – what a great idea! Thanks 🙂

  11. Pingback: A WELL-MEANING RESOLUTION and A REALISTIC COMMITMENT « Χώρος του χρήστη Doda

  12. This is a great new year resolution. I always try to keep some posts in the queue so that if any given week is crazy, I can still publish something out to the blog.

    I’d love to hear your thoughts on machismo in Chilean culture and how that is evolving over time, particularly if/how Bachelet’s presidency broke down barriers in this area.

  13. Pingback: PostAWeek? « Copywrite1985

  14. Hi Pepe- Glad to hear you manage to squirrel away a few posts for the future… The best I’ve managed to do is write down a thousand post ideas on post-it notes all over my computer!
    OK- thoughts on machismo… coming up!
    It’ll take a bit of thinking to address properly, so it isn’t likely to appear in the very near future… but there’s now yet another little pink post-it on my computer!

  15. What an interesting site. You have such a wide range of topics I am not sure which to read first. Will definitely be back to read more.

    Good luck with the challenge!
    Felice Anno Nuovo

  16. Thanks! Glad you liked it… please wander around all over this place! (Absolutely loved your absolutely rant-let!)

  17. Thanks Margaret,

    It’s a polite “rant-let”

  18. Yes, indeed it is! that’s why it’s a rant-LET! 😉

  19. Hello Margaret, let me begin by wishing you a very happy new year in Chile! Here are some of the topics i would find interesting: how are the genders relations in Chile? (I have the feeling that mixity is an important fact of the chilean society and that young people are very soon together, women and men). Another topic: A day in the public transport in Santiago (I found some metro station in Santiago beautiful. Il noticed also that it was very crowded: it was in 2009. Maybe is that better now). A thing I noticed also in Chile is the importance of the “group”. It can be seen in different movement like “scoutism”, or the fact that each school hat it’s own uniform. Chile appears to me as a society wher individualism is far less widespread in comparison with other culture. What do you think about? How are the chilean women, what place have they in the society? and so on.. Thanks for your blog.
    One thing more: I suggest you to put more bild in your blog. Even if you can’t write a post every day, a bild with just a little comment (or without) would be also an interesting way to “catch” the real life, the every day life in Chile. It is sometimes little details that are suprising…

  20. Hi Pascale- Happy New Year to you too! And thank you for your thoughts and suggestions. Great topics! I’m making a list of things to keep in mind: gender relations, group mentality, transportation, etc. are all such important aspects of everyday life! I’ve written a bit about some of this, and I’ll put the links below, but there’s always much more to say on these topics!
    I’m sorry, but I’m not sure what you mean about adding more “bild.” Do you mean writing more frequently? That is very much my plan this year!

    Some past posts that may be of interest:
    For a bit about the dynamic of the group here in Chile, take a look at “The Dance Card’s Full: Group Loyalty in Chile

    At one point Cachando Chile had a radio show in which we did a couple shows that may be of interest with respect to gender relations, marriage, inheritance, and expectations. See:
    Family Affairs: Chilean Demographics, Marriage, Divorce & Inheritance

    Also see the interview with attorney Darío Romero: Is the Heir a Parent? Demystifying Chilean Inheritance Laws

    With respect to Santiago’s subway system (the Metro), you’re right, it’s VERY crowded, especially at peak hours. for proof see this (note the photo at rush hour): Santiago Metro: the daily crush

  21. Pingback: Daily Posting « What I Desired To Say…

  22. Thanks very much for your answer. By saying “bild” I made a mistake and use the german word instead of “photo” (althought I am not german but french, but I speak also german). I will read the link you mentionned. About transportation in Santiago, in the time I was there (april 2008 and august 2009) there was a lot of problem because they had change all the system. I just wondered if it is better now. Have a good day in Santiago!

  23. Hi Pascale- ah! I never would have known that “bild” was German for photos! I was thinking something to do with structure (as in build)… but yes, there will be more photos in the future, although many times in the past I have foregone posting something because I didn’t have the right photo… that’s not going to happen anymore either! (I will post with or without the image!)
    And yes, it sounds like you were hear during the transition to TransSantiago–a nightmare! and while many of its problems have been ironed out, the ripple effect was that many people bought cars and now the streets are more congested than ever… Traffic, traffic everywhere!

  24. Pingback: Dwritewell Posting Daily For the Sake of Writing « Dwritewell Posting Daily For the Sake of Writing

  25. Pingback: Last minute post – and a picture challenge « Huliganov TV

  26. I set a goal of posting twice each week on BrophyWorld.com and so far I’ve kept to it. I started in December. I’m also translating into Spanish. I hope it continues and when I run out of ideas, I’ll discuss something I find here!

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